
I am back,,,

I just finished my shift a few minutes ago. I wanted to think I have redeemed my self for what I thought was a disaster last week.

My job role has previously changed a month ago and I honestly prefer this one than my previous role. I am so much comfortable with the process and the people I am working with. This has been my biggest and latest answered prayer (will try to talk about in a different entry). Still in awe, I never get to write about this until now. Well, I haven’t written anything in a long while. At this point, there’s so much happened and there’s no way I can contain it anymore. 🙂

I am ecstatic! I am so honored of the obligation they wanted me to take part in. I am still under training (for a month now) alongside with my teammates, we all started at the same time. So imagine when our team leads, wanted me to facilitate the training process for the new team members! Well, there are two of us to cover as the other one’s shift will be ending amidst training hours. Why am I so honored if that is the case? Here’s the thing, they’re all on a higher career level and I’m literally the one with the shortest work experience!! Only 1 year for me and they’re like 3 years and up, how’s that? And we are like 8 in the group. Please don’t ruin the moment and say you’re proud of me, ok?

I am not done yet as to why this is like a big deal for me. Are you ready for the revelation? These two new members… are foreigners. YEP! I have to straight up communicate in English!! I’ve never had a whole ass conversation with a foreigner and you’re telling me I have to walk them through our work process? AND VERBALLY??? Like it requires me to use my little voice?? I mean, I’m not the biggest talker for the record, I’m even scared to speak in my mother tongue. But I managed, you guys! There’s a LOT of ‘uhm’ and ‘yeah’ along my words but I DID IT! 🥺 I am eager to hear their feedback! I just hope I was able to deliver the process well. They better say so! Kidding aside, I think I’m feeling proud because I was able to clear some of their questions. That’s what I am supposed to do, right?

Anyway, I don’t feel like mentioning what happened last week. It literally killed my mood for the whole weekend, the sun is already up when I slept the next morning after that Friday shift. Well, I felt like I was over reacting but it’s my mind who couldn’t shake it off. So, I kind of tried sharing a little information which I realized on the later part- that they could literally figure out themselves. I don’t know if it’s necessary but the way I heard a little laugh when they answered “yes” after I mentioned that I wished that helps. Petty? Yeah, I think so too. But the thing is, they NEVER do little laughs. They always straight up say, ‘Yes, thank you’. Short and bland. That is why I think they found it so unnecessary to share? You know? Well now, what I figured would help me overcome that embarrassment was to replace it with a thought that maybe they found me cute? lol yeah whatever floats my boat, right?

This day is so productive but I know I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep anytime soon because I had coffee before I started my little ‘training duties’. I was pretty sure this will happen before I took that sinful sip but I was also sure that I wouldn’t be able to get through that walk-through process without it. Caffeine saves the day!

I talked so much, didn’t I? I missed coming in here. I keep forgetting my favorite medium to rant to. I missed writing.

I think I’m doing well. I wish I could write something about what happened for the past 10 months I’ve been MIA. Needless to say, life happened.

I’ll try to catch up soon.

love, leana
Oct 20, 2020

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